Saturday, March 31, 2012


Considering the topic of choice, most people tend to focus on the major decisions that we all face in life, such as what vocation to pursue, who we will marry, where we will live, when and if we want a family.  No doubt these are important choices that will have an impact on the rest of our lives.  Sadly however, many give very little thought to the everyday choices that significantly affect the person we are becoming.  Many daily options we are given that seem to have little or no significance can, over time have life changing impact.  As the author of a book on choices wrote, "The problem with most of the choices we make, like the seemingly incidental choices on my list, is that most of them are unconscious choices - we make them every day, without thinking about the fact that we're making them."

One of God's greatest gifts to mankind is the ability to make choices.  That ability has the capacity to slowly and surely determine the direction and outcome of our lives.  That is why everyday choices are so important. They are collective and accumulative and add up to who we are.  It is for that reason that any significant change that one determines to make cannot occur in a brief span of time, but will only take place as different choices are implemented and practiced over time.

Take some time to make a list of the choices you make everyday and decide how you would like to change some of these.  Create a goal that involves making different choices, keeping in mind that ultimately the world is made up of people who take control of their choices - and those who don't.  Success comes from making good choices on a daily basis.

           "Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice.  It is not something
             to be wished for; but, rather something to be achieved."
            --William Jennings Bryan

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