Some years ago a movie titled Rudy was released that told the true story of the life of a young man whose great ambition was to play football at the University of Notre Dame. Because of his small size, everyone discouraged him from even thinking about pursuing this dream. Rudy had to strive hard just to get into the university and then, with great persistence, was eventually allowed to join the practice squad of the football team.
This story reveals an individual who displayed an unbelievable positive attitude while enduring continual beatings from larger and stronger players - but was never discouraged to quitting! In his senior year at the last home game, Rudy's fellow players had come to respect him so much that they threatened to quit if he was not allowed to dress for the final game. The coach finally gave in and Rudy joined the team on the sidelines.
As the game was just about to end, his teammates began to chant for Rudy to be permitted one play on the field. Before long, the entire stadium joined the chant, "Rudy, Rudy, Rudy." At last, the coach sent him onto the field, fulfilling Rudy's lifelong dream. The movie ends with the football squad carrying Rudy off the field.
Attitude plays a huge role in our potential for success. It is not, however, everything. Attitude will never be a substitute for talent and giftedness. We cannot be whatever want to be if we just "try hard enough." Rudy's story proves that point. Like Rudy, we should strive to have a great attitude - it will affect everything we do. But remember, examine yourself and match your goals to your abilities.
"A positive, confident attitude can transform a culture of failures into
unexpected success..."
--Jack C. McDowell
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