Thursday, February 9, 2012


One of the essential components of self-control is discipline.  Discipline involves training so as to produce a certain outcome.  It also involves controlling one's behavior which, in turn, produces self-control.  Discipline is necessary to accomplish anything in life.

Self-control also involves keeping our emotions in restraint.  When we allow our emotions to be the driving force, we are usually going to make mistakes and have poor judgment.

A lack of self-control has impact on everything.  Take your thought life as an example.  Without self- control, our minds tend to be idle or not particularly engaged.  We tend to be influenced by random input that we retain but very little is discarded or questioned.  The same is true in your physical condition.  Without self- control, most people eat too much, exercise too little, and worry about the consequences of both.

In order to implement a course of change in our lives, we must employ self-control.  Establishing and implementing priorities requires self-control.  Working hard requires self-control.  Productive study requires self-control.  Becoming godly especially takes self-control.
A Key Question:  How do I develop self-control?  
          The Answer:  Self-control is an ability given by God which must be
                                 nurtured and strengthened over our lifetime.  As we
                                 learn to know God better, we grow in our self-control.

          "...discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness"  (1 Timothy 4:7)

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