Today, in large measure, we live in a culture which operates in a deceitful manner. We are continually bombarded with falsehoods, lies, scams and tricks. Most people who operate in business, government and the media are guilty of some degree of deceitfulness. Very few people ever stop to consider this biblical truth - 99% truth is still a lie. The concept of upfront, open and honest is, in most cases, just an advertising slogan without much reality to back it up.
Given the condition in the culture today, being honest is a challenging exercise but one we need to continually work at. Being honest is doing the right thing and not giving in to the temptation to go against the truth. Honest people don't lie, don't shade the truth, and don't withhold part of the truth.
In the long run being honest pays huge dividends. It builds respect from others. It builds a good reputation and builds our character - who we really are. Finally, and most important, it maintains our relationship with our Creator.
Honesty is the best policy and is a key part of what it means to be successful.
" Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right. Think about
things that are pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things
that are excellent and worthy or praise." (Philippians 4:8) NLT
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