Anyone who has ever participated in sports or other group activities such as the military knows that the first things addressed are the fundamentals or basics. These are the elements or steps that are necessary in order to advance in a particular pursuit. They make up the foundation on which greater skills are built. They are vital in order for one to become successful.
Many people take shortcuts when it comes to addressing the basics of life. Many are too eager to advance so they skip some of the steps in the basics of their respective objective. Others mistakenly believe that they have little need of the basics, so they step over them and go to another level. Eventually, this omission will catch up to them and they will realize the consequence of their mistake.
One of the main reasons elementary education is so critical is that it is intended to provide a student with the basics of learning. Failure from those teaching, or from the student to grasp the art of mastering the basics, has lifelong implications.
Today we have opportunities to revisit areas where we may have failed to learn some of the basics. If you recognize areas that you are weak in or key disciplines you lack, seek out a class that teaches those specific basics. Fill in your foundation so you can move ahead and become what you are capable of being.
Most of the topics I have written about in my previous blogs are "the basics for life and success."
"Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life."
- Proverbs 19:20 (NLT)
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