Tuesday, May 8, 2012


One of the character qualities necessary for success is commitment.  It is critical to become a person who makes and keeps commitments.  Many people in society today avoid commitments; it is just easier to take the easy way out.

Let me give you some examples.  Many people take a job but do not really commit to it.  Lack of commitment is reflected in their attitude.  They put in their time, perform the minimal expected and just get by.  They are not committed.

A vast majority of Americans have tried a diet.  They start, but don't stay committed.

This is also true in developing a habit of regular exercise.  People launch a regimen of exercise but soon discard the habit.

Another example is a commitment to get out of debt.  Many begin the endeavor but few stay committed for the long run.

If someone is going to initiate a new habit they are going to need the quality of commitment.  The same goes for breaking a bad habit.  Commitment is also necessary in the area of personal relations.  People highly value the person who demonstrates commitment.

Being committed doesn't come easily.  That is why many lack this quality.

Make commitment a part of who you are.  Make commitments and strive to keep them.

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