Saturday, May 12, 2012

True Success

One reason we have so many people who believe they have not achieved success in their life is because the vast majority of the population have a flawed understanding of what true success really means.

In order to achieve any goal or objective, it is necessary to define what the goal or objective really is.  With this fact in mind, let's look at some realities about success that are often overlooked by most people.

Becoming successful financially is viewed by many as "being successful." Yet there are a multitude of financially well off people who are not happy, feel unsatisfied or unfulfilled.  Others believe that by reaching a high level of achievement in business, sports, entertainment or academics is becoming successful.  Here too, just take a look at many of these people's lives and you readily see those who do not feel fulfilled, satisfied or have peace of mind.

The problem is that they have missed the true meaning of success.

True success is achieving an inner peace which is a gift from God that comes from a correct understanding of how He has made us and who we were meant to be; what is our true purpose in this life and the pursuit and work to fulfill that purpose.

          "Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth." (1 Timothy 6:6)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


One of the character qualities necessary for success is commitment.  It is critical to become a person who makes and keeps commitments.  Many people in society today avoid commitments; it is just easier to take the easy way out.

Let me give you some examples.  Many people take a job but do not really commit to it.  Lack of commitment is reflected in their attitude.  They put in their time, perform the minimal expected and just get by.  They are not committed.

A vast majority of Americans have tried a diet.  They start, but don't stay committed.

This is also true in developing a habit of regular exercise.  People launch a regimen of exercise but soon discard the habit.

Another example is a commitment to get out of debt.  Many begin the endeavor but few stay committed for the long run.

If someone is going to initiate a new habit they are going to need the quality of commitment.  The same goes for breaking a bad habit.  Commitment is also necessary in the area of personal relations.  People highly value the person who demonstrates commitment.

Being committed doesn't come easily.  That is why many lack this quality.

Make commitment a part of who you are.  Make commitments and strive to keep them.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


One of the four books that I discuss and promote in my seminar Seeds For Success is Spencer Johnson's books "Who Moved My Cheese?".  It is a little book that contains a parable about the subject of change.  It is an outstanding reminder of the reality of change and how we should learn to handle changes in our lives.  By the way, it has sold over thirty million copies and continues to be used by organizations and businesses worldwide.

One of the seeds of success that we all need to nurture and develop within ourselves is the quality of adaptability.  Adaptability is being able to respond to changing conditions.  It requires that we stay observant of the realities around us, and that we accept the fact that everything in this world, including ourselves, is in the process of change.  The opposite of adaptability is stubbornness .  Many people refuse to accept change and even resist it.  They keep doing things the way same they have always done them and refuse to face the costly impact this decision has on them.

Adaptability begins with learning to accept and embrace the inevitability of change.  In many ways and in most things, change is good - it is just uncomfortable.

Work to overcome your resistance to change.  Learn to anticipate change and even begin to look forward to change.  Bottom line is that adaptability is essential if someone is going to be successful in life.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Getting Started

Every life is a gift from God.  Each of us is given opportunities to become what we were made to be.  Each day is a valuable gift and full of opportunity.  But we need to remember - life is short.  We are given only one life to sow seed of success.  It is imperative that we avail ourselves of these opportunities.  Each day is precious.

Take stock where you are at this moment.  Create a vision of where you believe you could be based on your gifts and abilities.  Develop a plan of what will be required for you to fulfill this vision.  Pray for wisdom and strength to carry out this plan.  Ask God for His blessings.

Then, get on with it!  Don't delay.  Don't procrastinate.  Don't put it off.  Put aside your fears and uncertainties.  Refuse to be gripped by fear.

Take that first step and begin the journey today.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Acquiring Skills

The dictionary defines skill as the proficiency, facility, or dexterity that is acquired or developed through training or experience. It also means having the ability to execute the fundamentals necessary to a particular task.

Acquiring skills is basic to reaching one's potential in life.  That is why early schooling is so vital.  The ability to read, write and study are keys that open one to the seeds of success available to all.  The ability to effectively communicate and follow instructions is also critical for becoming successful.   These fundamental skills can be developed with proper training and practice and should be a priority for everyone.

As we grow in the understanding of ourselves, we should begin to learn or recognize special areas of giftedness or unique talent.  It is here that we should put emphasis on acquiring the additional skills that will allow us to maximize these gifts.  Developing skills takes time - some can take a long time, even years.  The important thing is to keep on gaining and strengthening your skills.  Having good skills is like having a toolbox full of valuable tools which allows you to accomplish things.

           "The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is
             richly supplied."  (Proverbs 13:4)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Developing Good Habits

One of the most essential seeds of success that can be planted is that of developing good habits.  Good habits have impact on everything you do and produce bountiful results.

Unfortunately, good habits don't just happen.  In order to develop a good habit you must be intentional about it.  Usually, in order to plant a good habit you have to weed out a bad one.  As we all know, it takes no effort to develop a bad habit.

Here is a simple approach which can get you started on developing some good habits.

1.  Select three things that you would like to make a habit in your life.

2.  Take notice if this good habit replaces a bad habit.  Quite often this is the case.

3.  Commit to do these new exercises for forty straight days with no break.

4.  Write  out your goal and keep track of each day.

5.  Pray and ask God to help you accomplish this objective.

6.  Ask others to help you stay encouraged.

7.  Celebrate your accomplishment.

By the way, this process can help you eliminate a bad habit.  Keep in mind that when you develop a good habit, you create something that will continue to pay off for the rest of your life.

          "What matters most is what you do day by day over the long haul."
            - John C. Maxwell