Legendary basketball coach John Wooden developed a teaching tool which helped him become the most successful coach in NCAA history. It was called "The Pyramid of Success." It was made up of fifteen building blocks and ten mortar qualities. In my opinion it is one of the best teaching tools that helps someone carefully plan how they can become successful. As a sidebar, it is one of the major components of my seminar Seeds of Success.
In the Pyramid of Success the number one block is Industriousness. It has two components - work and planning. My focus in this blog is planning. I begin with planning because careful planning has a major impact even on hard work. Careful planning multiplies the results of hard work.
Most people plan in some way. A simple "To Do" list is planning. Some over plan; they use planning as a substitute for doing.
Careful planning begins with taking the time to think about the goal or objective, the time period available to accomplish the goal and the key steps involved to take towards the goal. Focus on the good use of time and having the best tools and conditions to work in.
Being good stewards of our time and talents is important and is something God blesses.
Good planning and hard work leads to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts leads to poverty.
(Proverbs 21:5)
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