Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Finding Significance

Most people today equate success with the security of a job that provides for a comfortable living.  This can certainly be a degree of success, but I have known many people who had achieved that goal and yet felt something was lacking.  I have experienced that reality in my own life and it is one of the motivations that led me to start the "Seeds For Success" seminar and blog.

As I have stated before, here is what I believe true success is all about:  "It is achieving an inner peace which is a gift from God that comes from a correct understanding of how He has made us and who we were meant to be; what is our true purpose in this life and the pursuit and work to fulfill that purpose."  When we gain an understanding of who we are and what we are meant to accomplish in this life, we realize our significance which ultimately comes from God.

An outstanding book that I would highly recommend is There's More To Life Than Making A Living by Jack C. McDowell.  He develops and reinforces the point I am making.  He emphasizes the fact that we need to find our calling not just a career.  Here is a statement he makes on this subject:  "Your calling is how you best use all God has given you - talents, passion, resources, opportunities and experience - to serve His gracious purposes in the world."

Pause a moment and take stock of the realities of your life.  Reflect on what are your talents, what are you passionate about and what are the resources and opportunities available to you.  Then get to work on moving towards the life of significance  God wants for you.

"The nurture of your soul is finally a more important part of your calling than obtaining marketable skills."  -  Leland Ryken

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